Manage your vehicles easily

Flotto offers a complete solution to meet your needs, discover all its features.


Bientôt disponible

Quickly and easily book the vehicles you need for your business trips.

Team management

Quickly and efficiently assign bookable vehicles to each team, thus simplifying the planning of business travel.

Tracking of routes

Track each movement of your vehicles with precision, from the starting point to the final destination.

This is already in English and does not require translation. No links need to be applied.

Centralize and efficiently manage multiple vehicle fleets. Whether you have fleets spread across different regions or subsidiaries, our solution allows you to supervise all of your fleets in one place.

Maintenance Alerts

Be alerted of upcoming necessary maintenance, maintenance reminders, and upcoming technical inspections.

Start Managing Your Fleet

Ready to take efficient and smart control of your car fleet management? Test Flotto for free with the personal plan.